International journal of engineering science and management  (IJESM)

International journal of engineering science and management (IJESM)

Review process

The International Journal of Engineering Science and Management (IJESM) utilizes a double-blind peer review methodology, thereby ensuring a robust evaluation process that involves the active involvement of our expert Editors. The Editors have essential skill and wide knowledge in their respective domains, rendering them highly skilled professionals. Their primary responsibility lies in supervising and maintaining the quality of the journal’s content, a position that is of utmost importance. In select scenarios, specific journals within our collection may feature external Editors-in-Chief who get assistance from internal journal Editors.

  • Each paper that is submitted goes through an initial assessment conducted by our editorial team. This evaluation takes into account various factors, such as the timeliness, interest, and significance of the topic, adherence to the scientific method, clarity of presentation (including language skills), and relevance to our readership.
  • Once an article is considered appropriate for peer review, it will be subjected to examination by recognized individuals who are members of the journal’s international Editorial Board and/or other specialists of comparable reputation.
  • The selection of these individuals are determined by the editorial team, who consider their experience and reputation within their respective fields.

  • Reviewers are obligated to state any potential conflicts of interest that could potentially impact their capacity to deliver an impartial evaluation of an article.

  • The peer-review procedure will be conducted in a double-blinded manner.
  • Peer reviewers are responsible for completing a reviewer report form, in which they offer general remarks to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal and both general and specific comments to the author(s).
  • Anonymous constructive feedback was provided to authors in order to assist them in enhancing their work, irrespective of whether / not the paper is finally approved.
  • Manuscripts that have been revised may undergo additional peer review if appropriate.
  • The expert Editor-in-Chief of the journal determines the ultimate decision of whether / not an article is suitable for publishing.
  • If a paper is rejected from the journal to which it was originally submitted, our cascade approach may suggest another publication where it may be more fit for publishing.

  • The publication of articles that are objective, well-researched, and relevant to the topic at issue is facilitated by the review process.